My naps
I spend most of the day napping. I love my naps! Sometimes we all take naps together. Can you believe Atticus was quiet long enough to take a nap with Me & Momma? I know... its crazy. I feel like that little beast won't sit still long enough to eat his dinner much less take a nap. He's always bouncing around.
I think Atticus really does like naps, he always naps in his prison. Momma & Poppa put me in the prison sometimes... i really hate it. I would rather not go in there again.
Sometimes my Momma likes to wake me up from my naps. She'll wake me up to hug me and kiss me. I guess because I look so cute when I'm napping. I know, I'm irresistable.
A perfect day for me consists of a leisurely morning in my window looking outside. I love watching those flying creatures and the chippies and the squirrels. Those guys are so crazy. Sometimes my Poppa will shut my window. When that happens I hate him. He's so mean!!
From my window I like to go to my favorite sunspot and catch some rays. And then I'll go for a long nap on my Momma & Poppas bed. Thats the best napping area. In the evenings I'll sit with my family in the living room. I have to be extra careful of the little beast that he doesn't disturb me. He is always trying to eat my napping bed and jump up and bit me. Here is what I see from my bed on the couch. As you can see it's quite disturbing and makes for a difficult nap.
I guess I'm getting used to the little guy. We have some fun times... I've given him some good punches and a couple nibbles. I dont know why he still insists on messing with me.
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