I stole this from Martha
1. Your age: I turned 2 May 8th
2. Your age when came to live with your people? I was 7 weeks
3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? I don't have a collar on right now
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? My Uncle Jesse, Auntie Bethy, Auntie Laura ... really anyone who comes to the house to visit me.
5. How much do you weigh? 22 lbs
6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up? My mom & dads antique furniture. :(
7. Do you like other Dogs? Sometimes
8. Who is your best non-human friend? Tiki and Gatsby
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls? Squeaky toys
10. Do you like to be brushed? No, but Tiki does
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? Peanut Butter
12. Do your people cut your nails? Yes and I hate it.
13. Any formal education? Momma and Poppa taught me all I know.
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? Couch Potato
15. Five nicknames your people call you. Monk-o Man, Hambone, Hammy T Hammerson, Ham, Pook Monster, Mr. Stinkbottom
16. What is your best trick? Dancing
17. Do you like kitties? Is Tiki a kitty? Then I guess so.
18. What did you have for breakfast? My dog food
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? If so, what? I've never killed anything, unless you count all those stuffed animals my parents give me.
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? A few months ago. I had a problem with my ears. But it's all better now.
21. Where do you sleep at night? I sleep in the bed with Momma and Poppa. Under the covers to start with and then in the middle of the night I like to sleep with my head on the pillow like how my momma and poppa sleep.
22. Do you like to swim? I've never tried.
23. Can you make puppies? Nope
24. Your favorite place to visit? I like going to my Uncle Jesse's house
25. Do you give kisses? I LOVE to give kisses!!!!!!!!!!
26. Can you potty on command? No
27. To Cuz or not to Cuz? to Cuz