Every day Momma and Poppa eat dinner at the kitchen table... in the meantime Atticus expects me to entertain him. Apparently he can't handle one moment alone. When Momma and Poppa eat I find this an opportune time to eat my meal. Makes sense, don't you think? Apparently the little beast doesn't feel the same way. Instead of eating his dinner he chooses to bother me. You won't believe it, but he sniffs my bum. I know, it's embarrasing. I don't understand the reasoning behind this
... I'm assuming this is a dog thing because I don't go around sniffing bums. But why, I ask, must he do this while I'm trying to eat?? It's just plain rude. I finally tire of his constant harrasment and give up... I'd rather lie aorund on the floor than have my meal disrupted by a bum sniffer!
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