Tiki & Atticus are Double Trouble

Tiki and Atticus live with their Momma and Poppa in the great state of Michigan. Tiki is a lovely feline and he enjoys playing string and taking long naps in his sunshine spot. Atticus is a precious Boston Terrier and he is always up for a good romp with his squirrel and then a good nap.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Sleeping in the bed

I love to sleep in the bed with Momma and Poppa. I ram myself in tight and sleep. It's probably the coziest place in the whole world. I used to like my own bed in my crate. But this is SO much better. Sometimes I will kick or push just so I can get in the most comfortable position. I don't think Momma and Poppa like when I do that ... I can't help it... I've heard talk of 'getting a bigger bed'. I don't know why that's necessary.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Card

Earlier this week Atticus and I received a Christmas card addressed to us from Momma's friend in Chicago. Within the card was a picture of what looked like my brother wearing reindeer antlers... but I don't think it's my brother because he doesn't have reindeer antlers.

... Maybe he will grow reindeer antlers. ... Hm, that would be strange.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Look at all this stuff!! Wow!! There's toys and treats all over the place! I think I love Christmas time!
I know. How very exciting.

Hey, wait a minute do I smell CATNIP? Is there catnip in this little red pouch??
Oh, I am going wild with excitement!
I am very much in love with catnip. It makes me feel wild and crazy!

Well, the first thing I'm going to do is tear this red tip off this brown thing.
Don't bother me with your wild, rambunctious, stuffed toy destroying ... Oh catnip how I love thee.
Merry Christmas Tiki! I'm glad you are my brother.
Merry Christmas Atticus. ... I'm glad you're my brother too.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas Tree

Why did Momma and Poppa bring this tree into the house? Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I love to chew on it. It tastes ... sappy. Sappy and good!
This is a Christmas Tree and every year Momma and Poppa put one up in the living room. I love to take naps under it and hide under it and run around it. It's a lot of fun having this tree around.

Yes, I like it too. I also like that Momma and Poppa had a lot of people over the other night. They were all sitting around and they were giving me lots of attention.
That was Momma and Poppas Christmas Party. They do that every year too. It used to be a great opportunity for me to be the center of attention... however, it was different with you this year. You were an attention hog! Thanks a lot! It used to be that at their parties I would lounge around and show off and then they would pick me up and pet me... or I would just walk on them so they would be forced to pet me. This year you ruined it.
Sorry, I had a good time. Everyone was petting me and giving me kisses. I love that stuff! I know you do to. We'll have to share that from now on.
I guess ... I don't like sharing.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Ugly Chair

Sometimes I hide from Atticus under the ottoman of this chair. It drives him absolutely crazy when I run under here because he cannot reach me. heh heh heh.
You can see how he gets out his frustration ... by chewing on the fabric of the ottoman. He's so destructive when he's angry with me. I think it's funny.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Here are some photos of what I did over the Thanksgiving holiday
... some photos that aren't included are those of me and tiki fighting. Momma couldn't take photos because she was trying to pry us apart. We're just having fun!! Sheesh.

Momma got me this crazy Gorilla that makes Gorilla screaching noises. I am SO close to ripping his arm off.
It was nice to have Momma and Poppa home for so many days.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

My house

I'm not sure how I feel about people walking in front of my house. On one hand, it's exciting to see people walk around out there, I want them to see me and say "Hi Atticus!".
And some of those people have dogs, and I want those dogs to know I'm here too.
For example, today I was looking outside, and the person across the street was outside with a BIG black dog. I wanted to let them know I was here, so I barked at them!
And barked and barked and barked. They didn't see me.
I am really disapointed when I try my best to draw attention to myself and no one pays attention. I guess it's ok. Momma and Poppa give me attention. And Tiki gives me attention ... even though he doesn't like to. And everyone that comes in the house likes to give me attention. I think that makes up for it.
In the meantime, there's got to be some way I can let everyone out there know I'm here... I just need a clever plan.

Computer chair

This is where my Momma and Poppa sit sometimes. I don't know what's so great about it... except that my eyes glow. Glowing eyes is pretty neat.